Ivar Løvlie

Results 9 comments of Ivar Løvlie

I am keen on providing this feature, do you have any preliminary thoughts about implementation?

repro: [repro.zip](https://github.com/Subwaytime/vite-aliases/files/8226420/new-repro.zip) I am able to build the repro project when i'm on 0.8.7 of vite-aliases, and unable on 0.9.1. using versions node: v17.1.0 pnpm: 6.23.2 npm: 8.1.2

I am using Ubuntu 20.04 Tried with node 16.14.0 but still see the same behaviour using vite-aliases 0.9.1. > Cant seem to replicate your Issue You're not able to reproduce...

After further troubleshooting i managed to build with 0.9.1 by removing `type: "module"` from package.json. Would it be worth looking into why `type: "module"` worked with 0.8.7 but not with...

I would be willing to invest time in a PR if there was documentation with pointers on how to port components. I haven't found it.

[My first pass](https://github.com/extremelygooddeveloper/svelte-headlessui/) on this seems to do the job, probably not production ready, but would love to make it so in a pr.

@petr24 Hmm, i only see these

Yes, there is no DialogPanel on that page.