Isuru Hettiarachchi
Isuru Hettiarachchi
**Is your suggestion related to a missing or misleading document? Please describe.** 1. In the document [1], sample code given in step 1 to copy in to header.jsp file contains...
**Is your suggestion related to a missing or misleading document? Please describe.** In the X509 Certificate Authenticator doc has a typo in the toml config [1]. In the doc, toml...
**Describe the issue:** In the API based authentication, federated authenticator responses should contain a redirectUrl inside additionalData object. As an example, for Google federated authenticators, ``` { "authenticatorId": "R29vZ2xlT0lEQ0F1dGhlbnRpY2F0b3I6R29vZ2xl", "authenticator":...
**Describe the issue:** When logging with IWA Kerberos authenticator, the username returned from the Kerbeos server is userPrincipalName or sAMAccountName. However, if the user exists in a AD userstore where...
**Is your suggestion related to a missing or misleading document? Please describe.** When using a AD/LDAP userstore manager, it is necessary to map the correct attributes for username and userid...
**Describe the issue:** In IS 6.1.0, authentication endpoint web.xml is templated with a j2. However, this template is not allowing the users to config any custom filters or listeners. We...
**Describe the issue:** In the WSO2 IS, we can set the showAuthFailureReason to true to show the authentication failure reason in the browser based login flows. However, this flow is...
**Describe the issue:** `sid` claim in the id token is always returns with a new value when user is getting authenticated with SSO using the same session. This happens after...
**Is your suggestion related to a missing or misleading document? Please describe.** The document instruct the users to add the following config to use the Authentication Data API. However, if...