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redirectUrl is missing in Apple Federated Authenticator for API based authentication
Describe the issue: In the API based authentication, federated authenticator responses should contain a redirectUrl inside additionalData object. As an example, for Google federated authenticators,
"authenticatorId": "R29vZ2xlT0lEQ0F1dGhlbnRpY2F0b3I6R29vZ2xl",
"authenticator": "Google",
"idp": "Google",
"metadata": {
"i18nKey": "",
"additionalData": {
"state": "7ea52985-924d-4c1d-acb1-81dca5cf9d27,OIDC",
"redirectUrl": ""
"requiredParams": [
However, this additionalData object is missing in the Apple Federated authneticator. Users can not proceed with the next step.
"authenticatorId": "QXBwbGVPSURDQXV0aGVudGljYXRvcjpBcHBsZQ",
"authenticator": "Apple",
"idp": "Apple",
"metadata": {
"i18nKey": "authenticator.oidc",
"requiredParams": [
Additional data is taken from the context OpenIDConnectAuthenticator [1]. The context is populated from the initiateAuthenticationRequest
method [2]. However, this is only implemented in the OpenIDConnectAuthenticator but Apple authenticator has the initiateAuthenticationRequest
overrided. Therefore, the required properties are not added to the context for Apple authenticator.
[1] - [2] -
How to reproduce:
- Create an application and enable API based authentication.
- Create an Apple federated authenticator and add it as the login option for the application.
- Initiate API based authentication.
is missing in the response.
Expected behavior: Redirect url should come in the additional data object.
Environment information:
- Product Version: IS 7.0