some recording files is missing end of the transmissions 4616-1671430493_851075000-call_18 1:14 AM TGID 4616 Frequency: 851.0750 [12-19-2022_0112_00.log](
when I run this application, i get this error if i Disable from the config file the last (4th) AirSpy, then it starts up fine.. Jun 26 23:07:42 SDRPC001 systemd[1]:...
**Describe your environment** - RTLSDR-Airband version you are using (stable release number or branch/commit): 4.0.3 - `make` options used to build the program: NFM ON - Hardware platform (eg. x86_64,...
Is there any instructions to installing this in Ubuntu, as currently I can't install the dependencies due to the need to create an environment ?
**sdrtrunk Version** SDRTrunk Version : 0.6.1-beta-2 [8MB/512MB 1%] **Describe the bug** Application does not find any SDR's **To Reproduce** when i start SDR Trunk (ive tried several builds) i get...