
Results 14 issues of Irene

If no hits are found for a sequence, that sequence doesn't appear in the summary matrix as no results are found in the previous results file. For that reason, no...

Latest updates were excellent, thanks! I have a suggestion. After running ABRicate, could it be possible to select % coverage and % identity for the summary report, too? I mean...


Hi Torsten, I noticed Barrnap doesn't annotate well rRNA. My genomes have an intergenic spacer region of 150 bp in 23S rRNA and PROKKA annotates different CDS in that region....

Once the output is created, it would be nice if a matrix 1/0 representing presence/absence for each gene is generated. Users could select minimum coverage and identity treshold for considering...


My genome has 30 contigs named consecutively as contig1, contig2, contig3..., contig29 and contig30. When I create the EMBL file, contigs are ordered this way: contig1, contig10, contig11...contig19, contig2, contig20,......


Why unknown mutations are not found using PointFinder database? I would be very grateful if you can include this option too as it is the main reason I would like...

When using `blast_rec`, headings in _blastresult_{query}.fasta_ and _blastresult_{subject}.fasta_ are not included. I suppose they are the same as output from blast_rec. Right?

I want to represent the presence/absence matrix of the pangenome with the newick tree using gheatmap. I want presence in black and absence in white: ``` pangenome

I have a matrix of dimensions 5590 x 135 observations. All columns are discrete with 0 por absence and 1 for presence (binary matrix). However, when I plot the matrix...

#### Summary: After installing pyani with conda, the python script is not working as No module named 'version' is found. #### Reproducible Steps: conda create --name pyani_env python=3.9 pyani...