
Results 25 comments of Irene

I had the same problem and I found here that this is a problem related to graph dimensions. I tried this option `+ theme(legend.position="none")` and worked for me.

I think this is related to paralogs and synteny. Any gen that is named with an underscore will be a paralog (or technically an ortholog) splitted in another COG (each...

Same as @anishazaveri and @MatthiasHBeck happens for me in Windows 10. Even more, bases position bar has moved -3 pb so every gen starts three nucleotide before the real starting...

Same happened to me when ussing `--rnammer`. Does anyone how to solve it?

Thanks @arif-tanmoy. It worked after using `sudo cpan Bio::SearchIO::hmmer3`. However I have a problem running tbl2asn now. I will try to figure out how to solve it.

I usually use RNAmmer instead of Barrnap. For a reference genome I tested, RNAmmer found the same number as are in the NCBI annotation for that genome.

For me, RNAmmer solved my issue. I'm not trying to verify tools. Try to execute both and analyse the results.

Sorry, I didn't explain well. As the database is huge, 1/0 matrix with all gene symbol will not be very intuitive due to high number of rows and columns, as...

Hi Arjun, That helped me, thanks. I had a look to and that could be an enhancement, too. Otherwise, I agree with you that some examples of command-lines to...

Yes, it's just a question of esthetic. I have no idea what is the order they keep in the ENA archive, but I received the .gz file after submitting the...