cordova-plugin-ionic-webview icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
cordova-plugin-ionic-webview copied to clipboard

Web View plugin for Cordova, specialized for Ionic apps.

Results 115 cordova-plugin-ionic-webview issues
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I've build a simple POC showcasing cookies working with the WkWebView (using this plugin). It works great with the default `hostname` and `scheme` (i.e. `ionic://localhost`). However, after changing the `hostname`...

Hello now something wrong in this plugin or any other but if i remove this plugin then all working fine like app stuck on splashscreen. ![screenshot_1]( [SauceLabs_Log_iPhone_6_free_16-04-2018_12-29-49.txt](

When this plugin is installed in a Cordova project (i.e. it's using WKWebView instead of UIWebView) and the iOS Voiceover screenreader is enabled, the initial accessibility focus of the screenreader...

After choose a file this nativePath is returned: ```file:///sdcard/Music/Sinéad O'Connor/Sean Nos Jua (2002)/05 - Óró Sé Do Bheatha 'Bhaile.flac``` parsing it with `convertFileSrc` returns: ```https://localhost/_app_file_/sdcard/Music/Sinéad O'Connor/Sean Nos Jua (2002)/05 -...

i am seeing this error when trying to: cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-ionic-webview Plugin "cordova-plugin-ionic-webview" already installed on android. Installing "cordova-plugin-ionic-webview" for ios Error during processing of action! Attempting to revert......

As mentioned in the document that the default scheme for ios after wkwebview v3.0 is "ionic://" and that the use of "https://" are not allowed any more but we are...

Hello, Cordova app starts by loading a remote web app. On the old UIWebview, everything was fine, but now with WKWebkit, I cannot access cordova.js file. Is it a way...

## Android only, improvements are welcome! So far I've seen the ability to proxy requests using a **known** ip, this was not suitable for me. Now you can perform `http://localhost/_local_proxy_/`...

After trying to fix issue #205 someone introduced an even bigger bug, that broke the video player sporadically. This was very hard to debug since it doesn't always manifest.