cordova-plugin-ionic-webview icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
cordova-plugin-ionic-webview copied to clipboard

Web View plugin for Cordova, specialized for Ionic apps.

Results 115 cordova-plugin-ionic-webview issues
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Due to the documentation it says that setting DisallowOverscroll to false will make "bounce effect" on iOS and subtle "glowing effect" along the top or bottom edge of the content...

I'm using this plugin without using the entire ionic stack. When pressing the back button before using this plugin I was able to register the `backbutton` event using the cordova...

I have the problem only in IOS. The steps for replicate the problem in a new project are: ``` cordova create testContent cd testContent/ cordova platform add ios cordova plugin...

I have tried all the suggestions mentioned and still cannot render Image in IOS. Can I have have some insights on this my code is mentioned below. private copyFileToLocalDir(namePath, currentName,...

Newer iPhones don't have a back button and users are used to being able to navigate back with a left-to-right swipe. WKWebView disables this behavior by default but it can...


With Cordova iOS v6.1.0, a new preference [**PreferredContentMode**]( is added for use. This setting allows developers to set [preferredContentMode]( configuration for WKWebView available in iOS 13.0 and newer versions. At...

Ports `PreferredContentMode` setting from cordova-ios CDVWebViewEngine implementation. See original [pull request]( for details

I am using [remapUri]( In my cordova plugin to redirect requests. After installing ionic webview, the method was not called upon requests. Is there any alternative to redirect requests with...

Environment info: cordova-plugin-ionic-webview 3.1.2 ionic-angular 3.9.2 cordova-android 7.1.4 Running into a problem on Android where the following will intermittently produce either file URIs starting with "http://localhost" or "undefined" ``` let...

needs answer

So just to confirm I downgraded my plugin to 4.1.3 and navigator.connection.type returns 'wifi' correctly. I upgraded the plugin to latest version, now it returns 'unknown' always. Because of this,...