cordova-plugin-ionic-webview icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
cordova-plugin-ionic-webview copied to clipboard

Range requests returning corrupt information

Open yelhouti opened this issue 3 years ago • 1 comments

After trying to fix issue #205 someone introduced an even bigger bug, that broke the video player sporadically. This was very hard to debug since it doesn't always manifest. available does not always return the size of the file (at least on android 27), result of a content-Range smaller the the reality and stopping the video in the middle. This is not the only problem, when a Range is specified that client would expect to receive only the requested part, but in this case the InputStream is returned in full, a fix would be to create a wrapping stream that skip on initialization/reset and return -1 once the end is reached (if the end is specified). For now, I have the following script that patches the code by dropping support for large requests, clearly not ideal.


const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');

module.exports = function(ctx) {
    // Make sure android platform is part of build
    if (!ctx.opts.platforms.includes('android')) return;
    const platformRoot = path.join(ctx.opts.projectRoot, 'platforms/android');

    // disable range requests
    const webViewLocalServerFile = path.join(platformRoot, 'app/src/main/java/com/ionicframework/cordova/webview/');
    const webViewLocalServerContent = fs.readFileSync(webViewLocalServerFile, 'utf-8');
    const webViewLocalServerContentEdited = webViewLocalServerContent.replace('request.getRequestHeaders().get("Range") != null)', 'request.getRequestHeaders().get("Range") != null && false) /* disabling range because of bug: */');
    fs.writeFileSync(webViewLocalServerFile, webViewLocalServerContentEdited, 'utf-8');

yelhouti avatar Dec 19 '20 16:12 yelhouti

Thanks @yelhouti for your snippet, it helped me patch my build using Vite.

Faced a similar issue related to this (unresolved bug) and the PR related to it

Until this is fixed I'm using this Vite build fix vite.config.ts:

// disabling range request in Java server because of bug:
function capacitorBugFix() {
  return {
    name: 'range-request-bugfix',

    buildEnd(error) {
      if (error) return;
      // no build errors disable range requests
      const webViewLocalServerFile = path.resolve(__dirname, 'node_modules/@capacitor/android/capacitor/src/main/java/com/getcapacitor/');
      const webViewLocalServerContent = readFileSync(webViewLocalServerFile, 'utf-8');
      const SEARCH = 'request.getRequestHeaders().get("Range") != null)';
      const REPLACE = 'request.getRequestHeaders().get("Range") != null && false) /* disabling range because of bug: */';
      // check and make sure it's replaced or fail the build
      if (webViewLocalServerContent.indexOf(REPLACE) < 0 && webViewLocalServerContent.indexOf(SEARCH) < 0) {
        throw new Error("Cannot find BUG FIX in file: " + webViewLocalServerFile)
      const webViewLocalServerContentEdited = webViewLocalServerContent.replace(SEARCH, REPLACE);
      writeFileSync(webViewLocalServerFile, webViewLocalServerContentEdited, 'utf-8');
      console.log("\n[BUG FIX] disabled range requests in " + webViewLocalServerFile + "\n");

export default async () => {

  return {
    plugins: [

biguphpc avatar Nov 14 '23 18:11 biguphpc