cordova-plugin-ionic-webview icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
cordova-plugin-ionic-webview copied to clipboard

[Android] convertFileSrc does not correctly convert sdcard paths.

Open distante opened this issue 3 years ago • 10 comments

After choose a file this nativePath is returned:

file:///sdcard/Music/Sinéad O'Connor/Sean Nos Jua (2002)/05 - Óró Sé Do Bheatha 'Bhaile.flac

parsing it with convertFileSrc returns: https://localhost/_app_file_/sdcard/Music/Sinéad O'Connor/Sean Nos Jua (2002)/05 - Óró Sé Do Bheatha 'Bhaile.flac""

which can not be loaded by the webview. Complete file info:

"extension":".flac","name":"05 - Óró Sé Do Bheatha 'Bhaile",
"nativePath":"file:///sdcard/Music/Sinéad O'Connor/Sean Nos Jua (2002)/05 - Óró Sé Do Bheatha 'Bhaile.flac",
"ionicPath":"https://localhost/_app_file_/sdcard/Music/Sinéad O'Connor/Sean Nos Jua (2002)/05 - Óró Sé Do Bheatha 'Bhaile.flac"

Selecting the same file but from the "Music" quick access works as expected.

Also converting the uri instead of the nativePath works as expected but it fails after the app restarts.

distante avatar Jul 21 '20 20:07 distante

Agreed. My workaround is:

  1. Explicitly set Scheme and MixedContentMode in config.xml - because why not.
        <preference name="Scheme" value="https" />
        <preference name="MixedContentMode" value="0" />
      var filePathCorrected = window.Ionic.WebView.convertFileSrc(fileUri);
      filePathCorrected = filePathCorrected.replace('file:/', "https://localhost/_app_file_");
      return filePathCorrected;
  1. Wrap calls to local files with this:
  getAsFileUrlMobile(fileUri: string) {
    if (this.isiOS()) {
      return window.Ionic.WebView.convertFileSrc(fileUri);
    else {
      // correct file paths on Android due to
      var filePathCorrected = window.Ionic.WebView.convertFileSrc(fileUri);
      filePathCorrected = filePathCorrected.replace('file:/', "https://localhost/_app_file_/");
      return filePathCorrected;

daveshirman avatar Aug 25 '20 13:08 daveshirman

Agreed. My workaround is:

  1. Explicitly set Scheme and MixedContentMode in config.xml - because why not.
        <preference name="Scheme" value="https" />
        <preference name="MixedContentMode" value="0" />
      var filePathCorrected = window.Ionic.WebView.convertFileSrc(fileUri);
      filePathCorrected = filePathCorrected.replace('file:/', "https://localhost/_app_file_");
      return filePathCorrected;
  1. Wrap calls to local files with this:
  getAsFileUrlMobile(fileUri: string) {
    if (this.isiOS()) {
      return window.Ionic.WebView.convertFileSrc(fileUri);
    else {
      // correct file paths on Android due to
      var filePathCorrected = window.Ionic.WebView.convertFileSrc(fileUri);
      filePathCorrected = filePathCorrected.replace('file:/', "https://localhost/_app_file_/");
      return filePathCorrected;

I haven't done the MixedContentMode option (mostly because I do not understand what it does) but your .replace is working! Maybe you should do a PR?

distante avatar Sep 13 '20 08:09 distante

BTW for some reason I can not reuse a file URI unless I re-choose it again with the file picker

distante avatar Sep 13 '20 11:09 distante

BTW for some reason I can not reuse a file URI unless I re-choose it again with the file picker

Yes - I've observed the same behaviour, not exactly sure either. Must be a pointer reference that's screwed. Anyone?

daveshirman avatar Sep 13 '20 15:09 daveshirman

Agreed. My workaround is:

  1. Explicitly set Scheme and MixedContentMode in config.xml - because why not.
        <preference name="Scheme" value="https" />
        <preference name="MixedContentMode" value="0" />
      var filePathCorrected = window.Ionic.WebView.convertFileSrc(fileUri);
      filePathCorrected = filePathCorrected.replace('file:/', "https://localhost/_app_file_");
      return filePathCorrected;
  1. Wrap calls to local files with this:
  getAsFileUrlMobile(fileUri: string) {
    if (this.isiOS()) {
      return window.Ionic.WebView.convertFileSrc(fileUri);
    else {
      // correct file paths on Android due to
      var filePathCorrected = window.Ionic.WebView.convertFileSrc(fileUri);
      filePathCorrected = filePathCorrected.replace('file:/', "https://localhost/_app_file_/");
      return filePathCorrected;

I haven't done the MixedContentMode option (mostly because I do not understand what it does) but your .replace is working! Maybe you should do a PR?

I could, but I also don't care enough to go through the effort. Ionic team should be fixing this stuff themselves, it's pretty freaking basic.

But instead, they just concentrate on adding more model frameworks (Vue, React...), which just introduced even more bugs, and then they spend too much time on CSS shadow parts etc, when they could be making the core rock solid instead.

daveshirman avatar Sep 13 '20 15:09 daveshirman

I could, but I also don't care enough to go through the effort. Ionic team should be fixing this stuff themselves, it's pretty freaking basic.

But instead, they just concentrate on adding more model frameworks (Vue, React...), which just introduced even more bugs, and then they spend too much time on CSS shadow parts etc, when they could be making the core rock solid instead.

I think they are ignoring this plugin since there is a capacitor plugin and capacitor belong to the Ionic Team. 🤔

distante avatar Sep 13 '20 16:09 distante

I'm facing this issue right now, and @distante 's suggestion didn't work.

I looked into the Ionic/WebView plugin and found that is uses an old implementation of the local web server:

instead of the new one:

so I believe we need to update the native webView plugin to use the newer implementation.

MuhAssar avatar Mar 07 '21 09:03 MuhAssar

I found an open issue in Ionic:

Edit: it is on its way to land in Cordova 10.0!

MuhAssar avatar Mar 07 '21 09:03 MuhAssar

I fixed it at last by using cordova-android@nightly (9.1.0) which contains the following temporary fix: setAllowFileAccess(true)

MuhAssar avatar Mar 07 '21 10:03 MuhAssar

I traced the issue again in native cordova plugins, and found the cause is a not authorized exception, so I needed to add the following in config.xml to mitigate the new permission in android Q: <edit-config file="app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml" mode="merge" target="/manifest/application" xmlns:android=""> <application android:networkSecurityConfig="@xml/network_security_config" android:requestLegacyExternalStorage="true" /> </edit-config> hint: android:requestLegacyExternalStorage="true"

MuhAssar avatar Mar 08 '21 16:03 MuhAssar