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ROS package for OpenTera WebRTC signaling server.


Welcome to the opentera-webrtc-ros project. The goal of the project is to provide useful ROS nodes to stream audio/video/data through Google's WebRTC library wrapped in opentera-webrtc. Wrappers are written in C++ and Python and are compatible with ROS2 (Humble) at the moment. Support for ROS1 (Noetic) is in the ros1 branch. We use the signaling server implementation provided by opentera-webrtc.

Here are the key features:

  • ROS Messages adding compatibility with ROS and OpenTera protobuf protocol used in opentera-teleop-service.

  • ROS Streaming nodes capable of sending / receiving audio, video and data from WebRTC streams.

  • Teleoperation with a opentera-webrtc-teleop-frontend sending and receiving robot commands from the WebRTC data chanel in JSON format. We hope to be compatible with rosbridge_suite in the future.

  • Map-based 2D/3D teleoperation using RTAB-Map ROS. Generated floor maps are streamed like a 2D image for simplicity at the moment by the map_image_generator node.

  • Sound Source Localization / Tracking / Separation using ODAS ROS.

  • Stand alone demonstrations with simulated robot in Gazebo.

  • Robot side front-end (Qt) to display call information and remote user interaction.

  • OpenTera client basic implementation to act as a connected "device" that can receive calls from the OpenTera microservice cloud. A prototype web service (portal) is available in the opentera-teleop-service project.

Note: This project is under developement. Any contribution or suggestion is welcome. Please use GitHub's Issues system for questions or bug reports.


By default, libwebrtc is built with non-free codecs. See opentera-webrtc to build without them.

The project is licensed with:

  • Apache License, Version 2.0


  • Cédric Godin (@godced)
  • Marc-Antoine Maheux (@mamaheux)
  • Dominic Létourneau (@doumdi)
  • Gabriel Lauzier (@G-Lauz)
  • Jérémie Bourque (@JeremieBourque1)
  • Philippe Warren (@philippewarren)
  • Ian-Mathieu Joly (@joli-1801)

Dependencies / Requirements

The procedure is written for Ubuntu 22.04 using ROS2 Humble. We assume ROS is already installed. If not, follow the ROS2 Humble Installation Instructions first. A more recent CMake than the default on Ubunuttu 22.04 is required. If the installed CMake version is 3.22, follow the CMake Installation Instructions. The following packages must also be installed :

# utilities
sudo apt install unzip rsync ros-dev-tools

# opentera-webrtc-ros packages
sudo apt install ros-humble-camera-info-manager ros-humble-rtabmap-ros ros-humble-rqt-tf-tree ros-humble-turtlebot3-gazebo ros-humble-turtlebot3-description ros-humble-turtlebot3-navigation2 ros-humble-joint-state-publisher-gui

# protobuf
sudo apt install libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler python3-protobuf

# python dependencies
sudo apt install python3-pip portaudio19-dev

# nodejs dependencies
sudo apt install nodejs npm

# audio_utils packages
sudo apt install cmake build-essential gfortran texinfo libasound2-dev libpulse-dev 'libgfortran-*-dev'

# odas_ros packages
sudo apt install libfftw3-dev libconfig-dev

# gstreamer for hardware acceleration
sudo apt install libgstreamer1.0-dev libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev libgstreamer-plugins-good1.0-dev libgstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-dev gstreamer1.0-plugins-base gstreamer1.0-plugins-good gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly gstreamer1.0-libav gstreamer1.0-tools

# qt submodules
sudo apt install libqt5charts5-dev


1 - Create a colcon workspace (if not already done)

# Create the workspace
mkdir -p ~/teleop_ws/src

2 - Get all the required ROS packages

cd ~/teleop_ws/src
# cv_camera
git clone
# audio_utils
git clone --recurse-submodules
# odas_ros
git clone --recurse-submodules
# opentera-webrtc-ros
git clone --recurse-submodules

3 - Install the Python requirements

cd ~/teleop_ws/src/opentera-webrtc-ros/opentera_client_ros
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
cd ~/teleop_ws/src/opentera-webrtc-ros/opentera_webrtc_ros
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
cd ~/teleop_ws/src/opentera-webrtc-ros/opentera_webrtc_ros/opentera-webrtc
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

4 - Build all the ROS packages

cd ~/teleop_ws
colcon build --symlink-install --cmake-args -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python3 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug --no-warn-unused-cli

Running the demos

Please see the opentera_webrtc_demos package.



IntRoLab - Intelligent / Interactive / Integrated / Interdisciplinary Robot Lab