vim-search-pulse copied to clipboard
Easily locate the cursor after a search
Love the plugin but it seems to break the echo of results (like `2/3`) in the corner.
Hello, thanks great plugin :) ! ## reproduce backslash.txt ``` txt \ ``` minimal.vimrc ``` vim " /path/to/pack_minimal/pack/m/start/vim-search-pulse set packpath=/path/to/pack_minimal let g:vim_search_pulse_mode = 'pattern' let g:vim_search_pulse_disable_auto_mappings = 1 packadd vim-search-pulse...
1st of all, I'm a beginner with VIM, so the following ads are focused on VIM users of my skill-level, and might be obvious to experts, and therefore unnecessary rubbish...
This PR adds a new `:Pulse` command handy if one wanted to pulse the current from a `nnoremap` -- `Pulse` can only be used with recursive maps.
Currently, changing colorschemes after vim has been loaded leaves vim-pulse with an old value for the default "CursorLine" color (which is captured when vim-pulse is initialized, [here]( It would be...
I'm trying to make these 3 plugins to work together on `n/N`. I've added to my `vimrc`: ``` vim NeoBundle 'inside/vim-search-pulse' let g:vim_search_pulse_disable_auto_mappings = 1 NeoBundle 'haya14busa/incsearch.vim' let g:incsearch#auto_nohlsearch =...
Not sure if there is need to check for NVIM_TUI_ENABLE_TRUE_COLOR.
Hello! This is a very cool plugin; I like it a lot! Reading through the code, I see you explicitly don't pulse when the next match is on the same...