vim-search-pulse copied to clipboard
Does not work together with `incsearch` and `anzu`
I'm trying to make these 3 plugins to work together on n/N
. I've added to my vimrc
NeoBundle 'inside/vim-search-pulse'
let g:vim_search_pulse_disable_auto_mappings = 1
NeoBundle 'haya14busa/incsearch.vim'
let g:incsearch#auto_nohlsearch = 1
NeoBundle 'osyo-manga/vim-anzu'
let g:anzu_enable_CursorMoved_AnzuUpdateSearchStatus = 0
nmap n <Plug>(incsearch-nohl-n)<Plug>Pulse<Plug>(anzu-update-search-status)
nmap N <Plug>(incsearch-nohl-N)<Plug>Pulse<Plug>(anzu-update-search-status)
In this case both vim-search-pulse
and anzu
are not triggered when I press n/N
. If I remove one of them from the mapping, the other one works OK.
Thanks for reporting this. I never tried chaining more than 2 plugins, I'll have a look asap.