vim-search-pulse copied to clipboard
Add custome "<Plug>Pulse" maps
1st of all, I'm a beginner with VIM, so the following ads are focused on VIM users of my skill-level, and might be obvious to experts, and therefore unnecessary rubbish to add to the docu, that's ok.
After reading the plug-in-docu, specially this paragraph
Otherwise the plugin will do the following for you:
nmap n n<Plug>Pulse nmap N N<Plug>Pulse nmap * *<Plug>Pulse [...]
I realized I could remap all jumps, adding <Plug>Pulse
to them. May I request to show any of this examples, in a new mini-section of your nice docu? please. Something like:
And take advantage of<Plug>Pulse
, use it anywhere your imagination leads you to! E.g.
" Pulse after jump with Ctrl-I or Ctrl-O
nmap <C-O> <C-O><Plug>Pulse
nmap <C-I> <C-I><Plug>Pulse
" pulse current line
nmap <leader>p' <Plug>Pulse
" change line
nmap gg gg<Plug>Pulse
nmap G G<Plug>Pulse
" matching brackets
nmap % %<Plug>Pulse
" Pulse after any jump motion. There is NO autocmd for jumping 'a to 'z, thus I must remap all:
nmap `a `a<Plug>Pulse
nmap `b `b<Plug>Pulse
And I'd love to hear from more ideas where to use it.
Also, in long term, it would be nice if the plug-in had an option to auto-remap any jump (if some plugin-boolean set), not only the search-jumps already implemented. Remaps 'a
till 'Z
, `a
till `Z
are like 26x2x2, also 10x2 for digits marks. A lot! Or even more: VIM-mark-help.
PD: Anyone willing to comment, careful: GitHub has no raw text block, it overrides backtick (`
), but not apostrophe ('
). Check solution here.
Related to jumps, and therefore I think in this issue is ok: I propose to add further related links in plugin-in docu.
- Basic knowledge: cursorline vs cursorcolumn
- Vim documentation: motion
- [Trending] Plug-ins dealing/related to marks, like: vim-signature.
In my opinion, the potential of this great Plug-in is focussing in all jumps, and not only in searching ones.
Hi Juan,
The mappings you are proposing are awesome! I didn't even realize we could take it this far. Yes please, feel free to open a PR to add your ideas and links. Thank you :+1:
Hi @inside , I'm glad you find it a good proposal. I am stating with VIM, with vimscript I am mostly "try and failure" hehe. I mean, if I pull code, I will make you and the pros waste your time correcting it, when you or another supporter can from scratch make it much better. Sorry.
I think we shall let this issue open for a while, and do nothing if NO further people are interested in this upgrade (auto-remap any jump).
Anyway, it's not vital upgrade, so if anyone interested can just copy following code to ~/.vimrc. Notes of following code:
- it's adapted for spanish keyboard, where backtick (`) takes 2 times pressing a key, while apostrophe (') just one. But apostrophe is what I desire, i.e. char in line, and not beginning of line.
- un/foldings are not jumps, so <Plug>Pulse does not work with them. I comment that also in the code, that things like
nmap zv zv<Esc><Plug>Pulse
do not work. - In jumps to marks in other buffers (capital letter), in those it does not work the <Plug>Pulse. In code I show a workaround which highlight whole line of that mark. Actually it highlights all strings like those in that line, i.e. a search. It's ugly workaround, I know, but it works (for now). And it opens the
so you can return to the buffer you were before the jump.
" spanish keyboard the `` requires pressing 4 times a key
" '' jump back (to line in current buffer where jumped from)
" `` jump back (to position in current buffer where jumped from)
" <Plug>Pulse from pluged
" remember: mapping <Plug>fcns, use nmap and not nnremap
" PlugIn related: vim-signature
nmap '' ``<Plug>Pulse
" Interchange, easier for spanish keyboard
nnoremap ' `
" Pulse after jump with Ctrl-I or Ctrl-O
nmap <C-O> <C-O><Plug>Pulse
nmap <C-I> <C-I><Plug>Pulse
" pulse current line
nmap <leader>p' <Plug>Pulse
" change line.
nmap gg gg<Plug>Pulse
nmap G G<Plug>Pulse
" matching brackets
nmap % %<Plug>Pulse
" Following zv, zR,... and so on shall NOT be remaped like:
" nmap zv zv<Esc><Plug>Pulse
" nmap zR zR<Esc><Plug>Pulse
" Thus nunmap it if nmap-ed:
" nunmap zv
" nunmap zR
" Pulse after any jump motion. There is NO autocmd for jumping 'a to 'z, thus I must remap all:
" Option 1: just remap 'a to `a because of spanish keyboard: nmap 'a `a
" Option 2: with pulse: nmap 'a `a<Plug>Pulse
" Option 3: both unfold (zv to unfold all till that line) and Pulse, but pulse does not work: nmap 'a `azvj`a<Plug>Pulse
nmap 'a `a<Plug>Pulse
nmap 'b `b<Plug>Pulse
nmap 'c `c<Plug>Pulse
nmap 'd `d<Plug>Pulse
nmap 'e `e<Plug>Pulse
nmap 'f `f<Plug>Pulse
nmap 'g `g<Plug>Pulse
nmap 'h `h<Plug>Pulse
nmap 'i `i<Plug>Pulse
nmap 'j `j<Plug>Pulse
nmap 'k `k<Plug>Pulse
nmap 'l `l<Plug>Pulse
nmap 'm `m<Plug>Pulse
nmap 'n `n<Plug>Pulse
nmap 'o `o<Plug>Pulse
nmap 'p `p<Plug>Pulse
nmap 'q `q<Plug>Pulse
nmap 'r `r<Plug>Pulse
nmap 's `s<Plug>Pulse
nmap 't `t<Plug>Pulse
nmap 'u `u<Plug>Pulse
nmap 'v `v<Plug>Pulse
nmap 'w `w<Plug>Pulse
nmap 'x `x<Plug>Pulse
nmap 'y `y<Plug>Pulse
nmap 'z `z<Plug>Pulse
function! MarkUppercaseAfterFcn()
" highlight current line (workaround searching for that line, but inside a fcn the higlight dissapears !)
" To search for visually selected text:
" vnoremap // y/\V<C-R>=escape(@",'/\')<CR><CR>
":exec "normal 0v\$hy/\\V\<C-R>\=escape(\@\",\'\/\\\')\<CR>\<CR>"
"open buffer and easy return buffer
" Uppercase marks jump to the buffer where it's defined.
" To return to buffer we just where :b NrBuffer
":echo "___Insert buffer Nr and press Enter___"
nmap 'A `A<Plug>Pulse<Esc>0v$hy/\V<C-R>=escape(@",'/\')<CR><CR>:call MarkUppercaseAfterFcn()<CR>:b<Space>
nmap 'B `B<Plug>Pulse<Esc>0v$hy/\V<C-R>=escape(@",'/\')<CR><CR>:call MarkUppercaseAfterFcn()<CR>:b<Space>
nmap 'C `C<Plug>Pulse<Esc>0v$hy/\V<C-R>=escape(@",'/\')<CR><CR>:call MarkUppercaseAfterFcn()<CR>:b<Space>
nmap 'D `D<Plug>Pulse<Esc>0v$hy/\V<C-R>=escape(@",'/\')<CR><CR>:call MarkUppercaseAfterFcn()<CR>:b<Space>
nmap 'E `E<Plug>Pulse<Esc>0v$hy/\V<C-R>=escape(@",'/\')<CR><CR>:call MarkUppercaseAfterFcn()<CR>:b<Space>
nmap 'F `F<Plug>Pulse<Esc>0v$hy/\V<C-R>=escape(@",'/\')<CR><CR>:call MarkUppercaseAfterFcn()<CR>:b<Space>
nmap 'G `G<Plug>Pulse<Esc>0v$hy/\V<C-R>=escape(@",'/\')<CR><CR>:call MarkUppercaseAfterFcn()<CR>:b<Space>
nmap 'H `H<Plug>Pulse<Esc>0v$hy/\V<C-R>=escape(@",'/\')<CR><CR>:call MarkUppercaseAfterFcn()<CR>:b<Space>
nmap 'I `I<Plug>Pulse<Esc>0v$hy/\V<C-R>=escape(@",'/\')<CR><CR>:call MarkUppercaseAfterFcn()<CR>:b<Space>
nmap 'J `J<Plug>Pulse<Esc>0v$hy/\V<C-R>=escape(@",'/\')<CR><CR>:call MarkUppercaseAfterFcn()<CR>:b<Space>
nmap 'K `K<Plug>Pulse<Esc>0v$hy/\V<C-R>=escape(@",'/\')<CR><CR>:call MarkUppercaseAfterFcn()<CR>:b<Space>
nmap 'L `L<Plug>Pulse<Esc>0v$hy/\V<C-R>=escape(@",'/\')<CR><CR>:call MarkUppercaseAfterFcn()<CR>:b<Space>
nmap 'M `M<Plug>Pulse<Esc>0v$hy/\V<C-R>=escape(@",'/\')<CR><CR>:call MarkUppercaseAfterFcn()<CR>:b<Space>
nmap 'N `N<Plug>Pulse<Esc>0v$hy/\V<C-R>=escape(@",'/\')<CR><CR>:call MarkUppercaseAfterFcn()<CR>:b<Space>
nmap 'O `O<Plug>Pulse<Esc>0v$hy/\V<C-R>=escape(@",'/\')<CR><CR>:call MarkUppercaseAfterFcn()<CR>:b<Space>
nmap 'P `P<Plug>Pulse<Esc>0v$hy/\V<C-R>=escape(@",'/\')<CR><CR>:call MarkUppercaseAfterFcn()<CR>:b<Space>
nmap 'Q `Q<Plug>Pulse<Esc>0v$hy/\V<C-R>=escape(@",'/\')<CR><CR>:call MarkUppercaseAfterFcn()<CR>:b<Space>
nmap 'R `R<Plug>Pulse<Esc>0v$hy/\V<C-R>=escape(@",'/\')<CR><CR>:call MarkUppercaseAfterFcn()<CR>:b<Space>
nmap 'S `S<Plug>Pulse<Esc>0v$hy/\V<C-R>=escape(@",'/\')<CR><CR>:call MarkUppercaseAfterFcn()<CR>:b<Space>
nmap 'T `T<Plug>Pulse<Esc>0v$hy/\V<C-R>=escape(@",'/\')<CR><CR>:call MarkUppercaseAfterFcn()<CR>:b<Space>
nmap 'U `U<Plug>Pulse<Esc>0v$hy/\V<C-R>=escape(@",'/\')<CR><CR>:call MarkUppercaseAfterFcn()<CR>:b<Space>
nmap 'V `V<Plug>Pulse<Esc>0v$hy/\V<C-R>=escape(@",'/\')<CR><CR>:call MarkUppercaseAfterFcn()<CR>:b<Space>
nmap 'W `W<Plug>Pulse<Esc>0v$hy/\V<C-R>=escape(@",'/\')<CR><CR>:call MarkUppercaseAfterFcn()<CR>:b<Space>
nmap 'X `X<Plug>Pulse<Esc>0v$hy/\V<C-R>=escape(@",'/\')<CR><CR>:call MarkUppercaseAfterFcn()<CR>:b<Space>
nmap 'Y `Y<Plug>Pulse<Esc>0v$hy/\V<C-R>=escape(@",'/\')<CR><CR>:call MarkUppercaseAfterFcn()<CR>:b<Space>
nmap 'Z `Z<Plug>Pulse<Esc>0v$hy/\V<C-R>=escape(@",'/\')<CR><CR>:call MarkUppercaseAfterFcn()<CR>:b<Space>
Sorry for miss-match issue-topic, but in previous comment I said folding and Plug-Pulse are NO match, I think I was wrong, and the solution could be like this (I just re-read the docu and I'm testing it):
augroup Pulse
autocmd! User PrePulse
autocmd! User PostPulse
autocmd User PrePulse execute "normal zv"
augroup END