
Results 26 comments of INeedGames

Maybe it is caused by a Windows Domain change? When I check the Security in the properties menu of the mounted drive in explorer, when it does work, my current...

I reworked the a* path finding algorithm in my Bot Warfare mod for WaW, CoD4 and MW2. This modification of a* allows me to get the not only the next...

I have implemented a k-d tree for NNS. As well I have reworked a* to use a heap for the priority queue and sets for quick look. Here's what I...

It can replace the pezbot's a*. The difference in performance is very good. The NNS uses on average log_2(waypoints.size)*2 recursive calls, sometimes spiking to about half of waypoints.size. This is...

Just give credit with what you use and all is good.

You need to initallize the tree, right after you initalize the waypoints do this: `for(i = 0; i < level.waypointCount; i++)` ` {` ` level.waypoints[i].index = i;` `}` level.waypointsKDTree =...

Heres my implementation of bots in GSC

Also, the 19.2 release build is using the debug build ![image](

In the case for the Nuketown pile up at the truck; if you crouch right against the ledge, you actually get stuck and can't mount it ![image]( Its a map...