_@[email protected]_ _changed status from `new` to `under_review`_
_@[email protected]_ _commented_ ___ Tony - Please provide more detail - at what step are you running into a 3Mb limit, and what was the error message? Is it possible you...
_@[email protected]_ _changed status from `new` to `accepted`_
_@[email protected]_ _edited the issue description_
_@[email protected]_ _commented_ ___ ``` In d1306762b59cd4e43691ddbc579d88eb3e83647b: Counter(Submission.objects.values_list('state__name',flat=True)) Outd1306762b59cd4e43691ddbc579d88eb3e83647b: Counter({u'Awaiting Approval from Previous Version Authors': 37, u'Awaiting Initial Version Approval': 75, u'Awaiting Manual Post': 5, u'Awaiting Submitter Authentication': 137, u'Cancelled': 27106,...
_@[email protected]_ _changed status from `new` to `accepted`_
_@[email protected]_ _commented_ ___ Still an issue, and further: In 8dc41f5190d9da361fc659a7a9dc8543d48ecc18: Counter(Submission.objects.filter(state__name__contains='wait').values_l ...: ist('submission_date__year',flat=True)) Out8dc41f5190d9da361fc659a7a9dc8543d48ecc18: Counter({2008: 34, 2009: 35, 2010: 31, 2011: 24, 2012: 30, 2013: 24, 2014: 25, 2015: 7,...
_@[email protected]_ _edited the issue description_
_@[email protected]_ _changed status from `new` to `accepted`_
_@[email protected]_ _changed keywords from `` to `sprint, easy`_