Iñaki Baz Castillo

Results 315 comments of Iñaki Baz Castillo

I see. The problem is that the important stuff when in Electron is the Chrome version it includes (78 in Electron 8, 84 in Electron 10, etc). I don't know...

May the doc also explain in more detail the `browser.satisfies()` API? For instance I understand this: ```js if (browser.satisfies({chrome: '>118.01.1322' })) ``` However I don't know how to do something...

Thanks @lancedikson. Perhaps I should have written a more complex example, like if I want to detect Chrome between versions 70 and 75. Is that possible?

IMHO the fact that AE uses a single UV loop does not mean that just a single resolver should exist. Even using the same UV loop there could be different...

NOTE: Check the same in UDP !

More stuf about TCP for receiving and disconnection: [18:18:41] hi, easy question (I think there must be some bug in my code): [18:19:42] outbound TCP connection done and I call...

Consider this also (found in a UV test unit): if (req->handle->write_queue_size >= size * 2) { break; }

Reply in ruby-talk by Jon Forums: From libuv's `include/uv.h` header: #if defined(__unix__) || defined(__POSIX__) || defined(__APPLE__) # include "uv-private/uv-unix.h" #else # include "uv-private/uv-win.h" #endif To help prevent multi-platform lunacy, as...

AFAIK em-resolve-replace provides nothing that em-udns provides (in fact em-udns is MUCH more powerful). If I'm not wrong, using em-resolve-replace you still need to set callbacks for the DNS query.

There is not. Maybe I could include a code for integrating em-udns with em-synchrony?