Iñaki Baz Castillo

Results 326 comments of Iñaki Baz Castillo

One comment more: I have my SIP proxy which since yesterday it depends on eventmachine-le gem ;) It's running in my server and it's used daily by some people which...

1) Houston we have a problem. I didn't realize that 1.8.7 has no Addrinfo, so some tests will fail (test_ipv4, text_ipv6 and test_epoll which make usage of my new helpers...

test_no_cpp_exceptions.rb added. For now it includes a single test unit using `EM.set_effective_user("non_existing_user")` and expecting a Ruby ArgumentError, but currently EM creates a C++ exception and exits.

I've created a new branch "backpressure_level" to handle this issue.

There is an initial commit within "backpressure_level" branch. For now it adds a "blackpressure_level" attribute to the connection object (in C++) and modifies ConnectionDescriptor::SelectForRead() as follows: if (bPaused) return false;...

Thanks, will merge and release tomorrow.

@jmillan can you take a look?

sdptransform.hpp is part of a separate library that we include in libmediasoupclient. We cannot modify it here. Please look for sdptransform project in Versatica GitHub repositories.

> I see, you are referring to https://github.com/versatica/libmediasoupclient/tree/v3/deps/libsdptransform. > > Would the correct course of action be to open this PR in that repository instead, to make the changes there...

Not sure if I follow. Can you make a PR to libsdptransform, we release a new version and then you update this PR with that new version? See scripts/get-dep.sh in...