
Results 8 issues of hyeonmin11

what file should I have to edit? I think just adding detection model on https://github.com/ifzhang/ByteTrack/blob/main/yolox/evaluators/mot_evaluator.py is not the right way.

Is the kimera-humans module implemented in the current state of the kimera-semantics package? In the paper, it is mentioned that dynamic masking is used to not perform person segmentation in...

I searched several issues. I really want to know exact commands to run the live on realsense camera roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_camera.launch unite_imu_method:=linear_interpolation enable_infra1:=true enable_infra2:=true roslaunch kimera_vio_ros kimera_vio_ros_realsense_IR.launch rviz -d $(rospack...

Hi, I have a several questions First, in xl_bel, I could find ko_1k_test_query_with_context.txt. Many sentences consisting the txt file are irrelevant with disease. I want to know why and how...

HI, good to see your nice work! I want to know recommended unity version of this project! I'm using 2021.3,

Hi. I am trying to map texture on mesh which is loaded by below command ![image](https://github.com/MIT-SPARK/Kimera-PGMO/assets/79415795/a2ef278b-3a17-47b6-b4f7-cf77a1fcb1a5) I checked published msg type is mesh_msgs::TriangleMeshstamped, so I trying to give a value...

instance segmentation model?