Huw Bowles

Results 21 issues of Huw Bowles

We've had a few requests recently for supporting multiple simultaneous cameras. This probably involves at least: * Removing the global OceanRenderer.Instance singleton. Probably have a lookup function with viewpoint as...


Issue #1056 Makes ocean tiles non-pickable by default, adds debug option for it. This will stomp the users preference for pickability. However pickability is almost never desired I guess. And...

**Describe the bug** If you disable picking of the ocean gameobject to stop the ocean being pickable, this propagates the setting to the tiles and it works. However entering/exiting play...


**Describe the bug** When doing an auto save, all the ocean tiles get dumped into the root of the scene. More info I think it implies we are serialising...


This does a major pass on documentation. Moves structure from system-centric (like grouping all loddata types together) to user-centric (grouping things by category, focusing around things users want to do)....

Draft PR - needs simulation tweaks to make it work in Island scene. Works ok/pretty well in the main.unity on this branch. Creating this PR to track as it is...

**Status**: Early review to collect thoughts I want to start prefabing things to make setup straightforward for new users. Added 4 ocean prefabs with different quality levels. Potential next steps:...

**Status**: Experimental / feedback PR We currently set the fog via raw density values and its hard to tweak. A better approach for this is to provide a colour parameter...

Status: Not ready to merge but is probably a reasonable approach. Should obviously have all the data reverted. @EliGould this adds a new object "Sphere" to main.unity and it has...

**Status:** Definitely not ready to merge. I'm creating this as someone enquired about it and it took me a while to find it. Experiment with what would be required for...