Boyuan Yang
Boyuan Yang
I believe the ronn project was abandoned long time ago.
Given the progress of python2 removal happening in Debian and Ubuntu, I am going to have fslint removed from Debian's official repository (and later Ubuntu). This means that fslint will...
FYI, related downstream Debian bug report:
Thanks for the fix! This commit seems to have solved the problem. Please feel free to close this issue after next release of fmit is out :-)
诶,我本来以为修改内容是很简单的吧? RST 的语法在编写时必须熟悉,就和 markdown 语法必须熟悉一样,这个绕不开。 各级标题的符号?你熟悉 RST 语法的话就明白这个就不是问题了,只要渲染无误即可。遇见语法警告请顺手帮我们修复。统一这个我还真没想过,也许我在这里说一下 ` # >> = >> - >> ^ >> ~` 就行? 语法偏好的问题,随意就好?内容的话我个人觉得只要说得清就行。 有各种本地预览 `.rst` 文档的工具和编辑器,最方便的应该是`retext`。即使本地没法预览,直接在 GitHub 上编辑也可以,GitHub 原生支持 rst 语法的,只要你文件后缀名正确即可。 提交请使用 GitHub...
我看到你提供了一个 IP 地址,这个做法好像不太常见。上游有域名吗?可以的话,提供一下主页和上游是否有 rsync 同步服务的信息会更好。
改成父目录就不叫镜像 gimp 了,而是镜像 gegl, gtk, pango, glib 等等一系列项目。然而它们主要都是库,实际上都在其它地方正式发布(如且都为源代码 tarball 形式发布,镜像的意义有限。
Thanks for your work. Ideally I am looking for an end-to-end solution on unpacking/editing/repacking an existing `vendor_dlkm.img` file, but seems that it is not available yet. For workflow: the mount/view/umount...
Besides, with current git HEAD 68afa1834e677d6a5ded459fa2bd35145c7f14cd the unpack action cannot give any results. After running `./gradlew unpack`, `./build/unzip_boot/` dir is empty. I have set `bHackingMode = true` in `build.gradle.kts` file....
Yeah it's really some _academical_ issues. I don't think any external project is using the connect introspection binding at this moment. That's also the reason I suggested that it might...