
Results 187 issues of hongyi-zhao

Assuming I run `mcfly` on multiple machines, one `mcfly` database file will be generated on each machine. So, the problem is how to combine these `mcfly` databases into one. Regards,...

Does DDNS support socks5 proxy? Regards, HY


Hi, On Ubuntu 20.04 with Python 3.8.3, failed to run ``gpustat --debug'', see following for more info: ``` $ gpustat --debug Error on querying NVIDIA devices. Use --debug flag for...


I have two machines, both running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. Machine A have a PPPoE assigned dynamic public IP address `106.9.xxx.xxx`, machine B resides on an intranet with the IP address...

[Here](https://github.com/jpillora/chisel#binaries) says the following: ``` See the latest release or download and install it now with curl https://i.jpillora.com/chisel! | bash ``` Why does it use `https://i.jpillora.com/chisel!` instead of `https://i.jpillora.com/chisel`? Regards,...

Any hints for Emacs support of `caddy-json-schema`? Regards, HZ

On Ubuntu 20.04, I try to build the git master version of dingtalk according to the official [guidance](https://github.com/nashaofu/dingtalk#%E6%89%8B%E5%8A%A8%E6%9E%84%E5%BB%BA) as shown below: ``` $ sudo apt-get -qq update $ sudo apt-get...

See the following, `company-posframe` gives incorrect docstring, say, by hitting `F1` when point is hovering over `re.MULTILINE`, the following screenshot will appear: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11155854/140264045-05396ad1-1b2c-4e4d-9eb8-3f8c6c466f56.png)

Hi, It seems there is still no jupytext plugin for pycharm. Any hints? Regards

Hi, The website https://free-ss.site/, use reCAPTCHA and the following techniques: ``` js eval cryptojs (AES) base64 to transfer the string in image. ``` How to use pyppeteer to get the...