
Results 191 issues of hongyi-zhao

On Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS, I find that the following command won't be recorded by `bashhub-client` into the `bashhub-server`: `$ sudo tcpdump -i any port 18888 -w - | pv >/dev/null`...

I noticed this wonderful project recently. But I think there are some possible feature enhancements as follows: - Regexp based search, which has been implemented by [bashhub-server](https://github.com/nicksherron/bashhub-server#using-regex). - Search with...

I've noticed this wonderful project recently. But it would be better if you can support the following search methods: - Case-insensitive search. - Regex based search. - Host/directory info based...

How can I rebind the `RIGHT to edit` to `SPACE to edit`? Regards, HY

After I've installed resh, the latency between two consecutive commands can become very high, as shown below: ```shell werner@X10DAi-00:~$ time cd real 0m0.212s user 0m0.104s sys 0m0.126s werner@X10DAi-00:~$ ``` Any...

On Ubuntu 2.04, I try to build hadolint from the latest git master source code locally as shown below: ``` $ sudo apt-get install haskell-platform $ curl -x socks5:// -fsSL...

I've tried the following configuration and it really works: ```emacs-lisp (use-package emacs :config (defalias 'yes-or-no-p 'y-or-n-p)) ``` So, it seems that `emacs` can be used as a dummy [named feature](https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/elisp/Named-Features.html)...

I've the following [binding-within-local-keymaps](https://github.com/jwiegley/use-package#binding-within-local-keymaps) configuration for company package: ```emacs-lisp (use-package company :bind (:map company-active-map ("" . company-search-candidates) ("" . company-search-abort) ("SPC" . company-complete-selection) ("" . company-abort) :map company-search-map ("" ....


I want to know if the following two settings are equivalent. ```emacs-lisp (use-package company-lsp :commands company-lsp) ``` and ```emacs-lisp (use-package company-lsp) (require 'company-lsp) ``` Regards, HY

Say, I want to install a package A, which in itself dependent on other packages, B and C. In this case, how to install them all in one use-package command?...