
Results 191 issues of hongyi-zhao

Hi, I really appreciate the wonderful idea of ipypublish. I want to integrate other 3rd tools, say, [nbstripout](https://github.com/kynan/nbstripout), with ipypublish, any hints for this problem? Best regards HY


Hi, I want to achieve the following aims based on ipypublish: 1. The .tex files for my manuscript were edited and managed by LaTeX IDE, say, [texstudio](https://github.com/texstudio-org/texstudio). 2. When the...


I noticed the following description in [the `About` section](https://github.com/quanshengwu/wannier_tools) of this project: ``` WannierTools: An open-source software package for novel topological materials. Full documentation: www.wanniertools.org ``` I also noticed the...

I noticed that [`Wannier_Hamiltonian_symmetrization`](https://github.com/yuechm/Wannier_Hamiltonian_symmetrization) has already been integrated into [`wannier_tools`](https://github.com/quanshengwu/wannier_tools/tree/master/utility/wannhr_symm), but not used as a submodule pointing to its upstream repository. I want to know whether the future updates of...

On Ubuntu 20.04, I try to compile the git master version of wannier_tools with intel `mkl` and intel MPI as shown below: 1. Compile arpack library: ``` $ mkdir -p...

For wurtzite MnO, the description given by ICSD is as follows: ``` $ cat ICSD_CollCode262928.cif #(C) 2021 by FIZ Karlsruhe - Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastructure. All rights reserved. data_262928-ICSD...

On Ubuntu 20.04, I've installed the latest git master version of sdcv and have added some dictionaries: ``` werner@X10DAi:~$ sdcv --version Console version of Stardict, version 0.5.3 werner@X10DAi:~$ sdcv -l...


I noticed this wonderful project recently. It would be better if another client could have the following functions in addition to the official client functions: - Regexp based search, which...


On Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS, I try to install bashhub-server but encountered the following problem: ``` $ go version go version devel go1.17-fd3612e433 Sat Apr 17 00:02:01 2021 +0000 linux/amd64 $...


I noticed the following description given by [pyprocar documentation](https://romerogroup.github.io/pyprocar/): ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11155854/160800889-ecdb08ba-0696-45e9-9c73-2bfcfd70aadd.png) OTOH, I also noticed the following description on [vaspwiki](https://www.vasp.at/wiki/index.php/LORBIT): ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11155854/160801024-4414aaa2-d795-414d-bb3c-ed2c0608bbe6.png) In case of non-collinear calculations, I want to know whether...