Christian Hoffmann

Results 150 comments of Christian Hoffmann

> Yes. Although I doubt this happens often, it's not impossible and should therefore also be handled correctly. I think the most realistical thing to implement would be to adjust...

> What's the reason why we'd not just say what we say today? Today, we only check servers which we control. Therefore, we know that they run official Jamulus releases...

> but why can't we use the version that's on GitHub? I had never thought about it. I think we could. This would involve moving the (or adding a) check...

Just found this related issue:

I intend to work on this as time permits. I'm therefore assigning it to me and moving it to the Backlog. If someone wants to take over, just do it...

> Client can now indicate Local buffer underuns as well as Server buffer underruns, making manual buffer setting easier for most users. Sounds useful to me. > Still no server-side...

> Sure, please ping me when the migration completes. Hard to tell when the full switch completes, but you can already try builds from PR #2300 here: [All binaries]( (or:...

@rdica Thanks for the report. This sounds like this unresolved Qt bug: :( I guess it might be possible to find workarounds by adjusting specific style options or [painting...

> I tried each skin and the reverb slider was off-enter in each. @rdica Could you please also check the other faders in the settings dialog, are they affected as...

@rdica Two other things to try (not really expecting an improvement though...): 1. QSlider with empty stylesheet ([Assets]( 1. QSlider with dummy stylesheet ([Assets](