John Hendrikx

Results 133 comments of John Hendrikx

If you are willing to customize Spring a bit, I wrote a `ContextAnnotationAutowireCandidateResolver` that supports a `NotDefault` annotation to indicate that a bean is "private" and will never be injected...

Sorry, but I don't consider wrapping every bean that I don't want exposed a very good answer to this problem. A much better way to approach this is how CDI...

I've been bitten by this problem again in a multi module project. When upgrading a library, a bean which was clearly not intended to be used for normal use was...

`Optional` is not a tri-state. It's goal is to prevent you having to do `null` checks, and allowing an `Optional` to be deserialized as `null` for whatever reason would defeat...

I have to guess at what you're trying to achieve, but there is a way to distinguish between not present and `null` that Jackson offers, which can be useful for...

Workaround: @JsonAnySetter void setAny(String key, Object value) { parameters.put(key, value instanceof BigDecimal bd ? bd.doubleValue() : value); }

True, however, code does sort of expect a double since USE_BIG_DECIMAL_FOR_FLOATS is set to false, so it was a bit surprising to see values, which used to be doubles, change...

This seems to support JUnit 5 much better than the current version. I'm having major trouble providing a set of common rules for our projects, but excluding some if a...

I can understand you don't want JUnit 5 specific stuff in ArchUnit itself, however, if we can just call into ArchUnit from a normal JUnit test (I've looked, but couldn't...

> If I may drop in my two cents, the PR can be conceptually divided into two parts: (1) making sure test filtering works with popular test tools, and (2)...