John Hendrikx

Results 29 issues of John Hendrikx

I'm seeing more and more problems with complex Spring / Spring Boot applications where beans created in some dependency interfere with the operation of either another dependency or our own...

status: waiting-for-triage
in: core

This is an initial (incomplete) implementation of 8290037 for evaluation. If the approach is agreed, I will modify the rest of the `*PropertyBase` classes which use weak listeners, and add...


This PR adds a new (lazy*) property on `Node` which provides a boolean which indicates whether or not the `Node` is currently part of a `Scene`, which in turn is...


This contains the following: - Nested changes or invalidations using ExpressionHelper are delayed until the current emission completes - This fixes odd change events being produced (with incorrect oldValue) -...


This fixes a bug where the first call to unbind would clear the internal invalidation listener used, resulting in subsequent unbind calls to be no-ops, unless bind was called again...


Please see this PR: For example for a `RabbitListener` defined like this: @QueueBinding( arguments = { @Argument(name = "my-header") // check for presence of the header, value is irrelevant...

rabbitmq mock does not correctly support matching for the presence of a header. From the description of `org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.annotation.Argument`: ``` /** * The argument value, an empty string is translated to...

We discovered that when creating two queue bindings on the same exchange which only differ in binding arguments that rabbit mock will not deliver messages to the queue for all...

We discovered that when creating two queue bindings on the same exchange which only differ in binding arguments that rabbit mock will not deliver messages to the queue for all...

**Describe the bug** When deserializing a float value to a structure nested in JsonUnwrapped and JsonAnySetter, the float value becomes a BigDecimal instead of Double (USE_BIG_DECIMAL_FOR_FLOATS is left to its...