@CarolingerSeilchenspringer @hmkay @lthueer @fredewe @phillimorland @rilanari Oh, that is great! What do you think of this? Please add a short explanation of why you wish to report this content in...
@phillimorland dev thingy? decide if closing ;)
@phillimorland What is this? :D
@phillimorland it is in the second phase so you can rate but not putting in ideas. Can you try to rate a idea with your user account?
@phillimorland It is more different. You get this when the Idea phase is over. During the rate phase it is not possible to comment anymore. So we have to change...
@phillimorland dev thingy?
@phillimorland I will put a reminder on that, it sounds anoying.
@phillimorland are these two issues? That the bottom is cut off and that the blocks are too close or that the picture is too high?
@phillimorland No not really. I cant change the headline/Title in the infoblock that is a fix box in wagtail. But maybe I wrote it wrong: The Picture from the horizontal...
@phillimorland ok I need a suggestion from you if a quick fix or improvement. I can't estimate how long which solution takes. If the improvement, and yes I think that...