Héctor Ramón

Results 168 comments of Héctor Ramón

`rfd` looks great! We could expose a `file-dialog` feature to expose additional actions related to file dialogs once the new `Command` implementation lands (see #1019). Since the new `Command` actions...

I think the way to go here is to provide a new argument to [`canvas::Program::draw`](https://github.com/hecrj/iced/blob/00d66da0cee1dc7faeccc5b3f0794a0393a38da7/graphics/src/widget/canvas/program.rs#L43) to perform text measurements. I will try to tackle this soon.

After the report in #48, I did a bit of research on script-aware font fallback in `font-kit` and `skribo`. It looks like it's an unsolved problem for the time being....

Hey @RazrFalcon, really looking forward to `rustybuzz`. > Afaik, the are no rules for this. Everyone is doing whatever they want. But it would be great to share some code...

@unreal79 PRs welcome :wink:

I tried enabling antialiasing in the `svg` example and everything works as expected. MSAA is only used for `Mesh` primitives, which are only produced by the `Canvas` widget currently. `svg`...

@m4b MSAA is handled and resolved internally by the renderer. The render target should always have a `sample_count` of `1`.

### [`iced_audio`](https://github.com/BillyDM/iced_audio) by @BillyDM An extension to the Iced GUI library with useful widgets for audio applications such as VST / LV2 plugins. ![Sliders](https://github.com/BillyDM/iced_audio/raw/4834528fa07d7358f73f02217c1187335e81e252/screenshots/HSliders.png)

### [Space Engineers Calculator](https://github.com/Gohla/space_engineers_calc) by @Gohla — [Demo](https://secalc.gohla.nl/) Calculator for designing Space Engineers ships.

# [IceCHIP8](https://gitlab.com/Ace4896/icechip8) by @Ace4896 A CHIP-8 interpreter written in Rust. ![IceCHIP8](https://gitlab.com/Ace4896/icechip8/-/raw/master/docs/IceCHIP8.gif)