Héctor Ramón

Results 40 issues of Héctor Ramón

Scrolling is quite a basic feature for a UI toolkit. We need it! I see two different approaches to tackle this: 1. Draw the scrollable contents into a `Canvas`. The...

help wanted

After 0.3.0 was released, different folks suggested me to build a standalone crate for the brand new `ui` module. I thought it was a really good idea. If folks use...


Depends on #62 and #60. __This PR allows Coffee to compile to Wasm!__ :tada: # Examples I would greatly appreciate it if you report any issues you find! - [Particles]...

help wanted

We need a widget to ask users for text input. This seems to be a highly interactive widget that may pose a real challenge. We could start simple and forget...

help wanted

This could be used to create a `Game` differently based on command line arguments or any other external configuration already loaded before calling `Game::run`.


Currently, we only have [a simple `Mesh` test](https://github.com/hecrj/coffee/tree/18f7a67e7984300d799960ffe08faf7546794a1c/tests/_graphics/test) as an integration test for our `graphics` module. You can find a bit more context about this in #16 and #80. We...

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good first issue

The current OpenGL graphics backend is implemented using the deprecated `gfx` crate. While it works, it seems to be performing a lot of unnecessary state changes that may be affecting...

help wanted

We could implement a `Gamepad` input handler, similar to the `KeyboardAndMouse` type. This type would easily allow to check the current gamepad state: buttons, axes, etc. We could use [`gilrs::ev::state::GamepadState`](https://docs.rs/gilrs/0.7.1/gilrs/ev/state/struct.GamepadState.html)...

good first issue

If [we stop the `Text` widget from filling the width of its parent by default](https://github.com/hecrj/coffee/blob/588c7564ec53f0a329cbb4baa8ee2915480e709c/src/ui/widget/text.rs#L51) and its parent aligns items using `Align::Start` (the default), `Text` just keeps growing horizontally with...

help wanted

We only have a quite simple `ProgressBar` loading screen built into Coffee currently. It would be great to have more diversity! This can be a great way to get familiar...

help wanted
good first issue