Héctor Ramón

Results 168 comments of Héctor Ramón

A `SpriteSheet` type is definitely something to consider adding to the engine. It's not there yet because there are many different approaches we could take and I had a hard...

@RantingBob `Batch` will allow you to draw many sprites at once efficiently. If you are drawing a tilemap, it's definitely the recommended approach.

> Do users want all possible combinations as predefined types? The plan is to offer the most common ones, like `KeyboardAndMouse`. > Is there a elegant way to implement all...

I do not think it's a good idea to add [47 lines of macro code](https://gist.github.com/DarkDrek/1466b2d6a25c03318faa232f5b540fe3) just to remove [44 simple lines of code](https://github.com/hecrj/coffee/blob/master/src/input/keyboard_and_mouse.rs#L5). I will quote myself: > In conclusion,...

> In that case it's overkill. I was thinking about the case where one would have n input structs that all need accessors etc. Right, but as you say this...

Hey @buxx, I implemented a `TextInput` widget in `iced` in this PR: https://github.com/hecrj/iced/pull/37. `iced` is a standalone crate based on the current `ui` module in `coffee`. The widget implementation should...

I am currently focusing on #63. I do not have a Windows 10 environment right now, but I will try to take a look at this soon. That said, feel...

I just took a quick look. The issue seems to be here: https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/blob/026b331ba54e1a49909242d72c5d78ed0d24b255/src/platform_impl/windows/util.rs#L167 The Windows API doesn't seem to expose a grab/grabbing cursor by default: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/nf-winuser-loadcursorw It seems that it...

For now, I keep track of all the issues (there aren't too many of them _yet_ :sweat_smile:). I didn't report it because I figured it wouldn't probably be an easy...

Thanks for the report! I am guessing this may be happening because `winit` or `glutin` is reporting the window dimensions as `0` when minimized. Let's wait until `winit` releases a...