Héctor Ramón

Results 168 comments of Héctor Ramón

It may be related to the `Settings::antialiasing` flag, which is enabled on both the `clock` and `game_of_life` examples: https://github.com/iced-rs/iced/blob/1a31aefab401712e44cd613fc1337ab90579d926/examples/clock/src/main.rs#L9 https://github.com/iced-rs/iced/blob/1a31aefab401712e44cd613fc1337ab90579d926/examples/game_of_life/src/main.rs#L22 Your hardware or graphics drivers may not properly support this...

@VarLad We normally wait until a proper `wgpu` release, since there are also dependencies that need updating (e.g. `wgpu_glyph`). Could you elaborate on what you are trying to do? Why...

I think it's a good idea. > Is there a reason why StyleSheets are implemented like this right now? No particular reason. In fact, the `button::StyleSheet` trait already does it....

This is caused by a limitation / bug of the current layout engine and widget implementation. In order to fix this, you have to explicitly state `height(Length::Fill)` for all of...

I can reproduce the issue on Linux if I manually set a `WINIT_SCALE_FACTOR` of `2.0` and use the default system font. Most likely, this is related to this `TODO`: https://github.com/hecrj/iced/blob/0333a8daff6db989adc6035a4c09df171a86f6fe/wgpu/src/backend.rs#L176-L184

I think this use case should be tackled directly by some kind of `Table` widget.

Yes, I believe these methods need to be redesigned and unified somehow. Some thoughts: - `Container` is a very vague name for a widget. - `Container::center_x` doesn't really express the...

I think this is caused by [`resvg`](https://github.com/RazrFalcon/resvg) switching its renderer to [`tiny-skia`](https://github.com/RazrFalcon/tiny-skia), which does not support text (yet?).

There are no plans to officially support mobile platforms for the time being. We are focusing on desktop platforms first. That said, while I cannot commit to maintaining mobile-specific code,...

- Do any of the `Canvas` examples work for you (e.g. `clock`, `solar_system`,`game_of_life`...)? - Is this the simplest example possible? Are the unrelated dependencies necessary to reproduce the issue? What...