Harmanpreet Singh Sagar
Harmanpreet Singh Sagar
When adding references in the Organization of Document section for #3318, the Jupyter Notebook generated adds extra spaces between the punctuations and the references.   Is it ok to...
The `getAcc` function needs to be modified to provide an abbreviation if there is one. If there is no abbreviation present for the term on which it is being used,...
Based on the findings and the following discussions of the investigation on the abbreviation functions (#3472), `prependAbrv` should be removed and replaced with the following design as proposed by @JacquesCarette...
While solving #3429 and creating the empty sections, I noticed that we have many areas where there is a list containing empty lists, which does cause issues when compiling because...
Currently, we have created an input variable within `Choices` called `folderVal` which has a default value and the user can enter the number of folders entered within each example to...