Harmanpreet Singh Sagar
Harmanpreet Singh Sagar
Once #3643 is merged, all errors relating to `E203 whitespace before ':'` will have been eliminated from the codebase. The remaining errors for python files in projectile for example would...
#3644 adds the `.flake8` config file and ensures that flake8 would ignore the `E266 too many leading '#' for block comment` warning. The flake8 errors that remain in projectile for...
@balacij I am working on modifying the text for the `Assumptions` category of the SRS so that it says: `"There are no assumptions."` instead of the definition that it currently...
@balacij Another quick question. Since we are generating all the sections of the SRS in the template now, do we generate the base tables for sections such as `Table of...
Ok perfect! Thank you for the clarification! I will do that then.
Oh ok! Thank you for the clarification! That aspect of the issue has now been fixed.
While solving this issue and creating the empty sections, I noticed that we have many areas where there is a list containing empty lists, which does cause issues when compiling...
Ok, I will create an issue for those. I don't think that this ticket should be blocked by those as I fixed them for those two.
Just to clarify @balacij, before moving forward, I am supposed to create functions in the `fillcdbSRS` like the ones currently present for the `References` section or am I misunderstanding my...
@balacij I am confused as to whether I should proceed with this ticket or not and if I were to proceed, which solution should I explore, either out of the...