Hariharan S
Hariharan S
I am not able to clone the wiki locally.Is there any way to do this?Can you guide me?
Cool I work on this Thanks @Sanika1999
Hey @epicadk Ill try to work on it.If you want you can also try to come up with a fix
@EGOR-IND @devansh-299 Please let me know if the issue is valid
im not planning on keeping any maximum size for this @EGOR-IND
I am busy with certain other things,divyansh can continue
Download and share have been made using the same function,if you download,it will try to share as well
@devansh-299 Please review this
Can I work this issue?Is it still valid?
Actually the given link is just a deeplink even if you make it open in the browser it is of no use i guess.Only if the person has the app...