Hafez Divandari

Results 17 comments of Hafez Divandari

@driesvints I fixed that in a new commit and reverted all changes on method signatures.

@taylorotwell Thank you for reviewing this PR. I answered all.

@taylorotwell I can add some tests if it makes it easier to review this PR, as it took about a month to be closed. As you know, many columns can't...

This also can be used on `Arr:pull` I opened a discussion for this: #43763

I added description I hope it is clear enough.

@driesvints I sent another PR to Passport for `login=prompt` that is the most important one.

Hi @staudenmeir thank you, that works but why not sending a PR on Laravel? it is obvious that using `whereHas` on self-related relations doesn't work. We already know the condition,...

@staudenmeir I don't think so, because `qualifyColumn` does qualify the given column if it doesn't contain `.`, If I want to refer to `teams` table I can simply do: ```...

Hi @Arantiryo I tested the latest version and updated the fiddle https://jsfiddle.net/hafez/9w5up1b4/ As you can see on the fiddle, the issue is not fixed yet.

@Arantiryo yeah I know that as a workaround, but I have a complex use case and I've chosen chartist for it's responsive feature. But it seems that 200px width is...