Hafez Divandari

Results 19 comments of Hafez Divandari

Yes they are defined equally on line 74 and 81 of [`_chartist-settings.scss`](https://github.com/gionkunz/chartist-js/blob/e7e78201bffe9609915e5e53cfafa29a5d6c49f9/src/styles/settings/_chartist-settings.scss) https://github.com/gionkunz/chartist-js/blob/e7e78201bffe9609915e5e53cfafa29a5d6c49f9/src/styles/settings/_chartist-settings.scss#L74 https://github.com/gionkunz/chartist-js/blob/e7e78201bffe9609915e5e53cfafa29a5d6c49f9/src/styles/settings/_chartist-settings.scss#L81

Thank you @Sephster for your hard work in maintaining this package and the new major release. I'll keep an eye on this issue until it is resolved. Please let me...

@Sephster I applied the latest changes. I'm checking failed test...

@Sephster all tests are passing. We may close this issue as completed now, Thank you.

No problem @Sephster, let's make the types more strict and see what happens on Laravel Passport tests. I'll try to cast the arguments.

Thank you @Sephster, have a nice trip. Just commented a little issue on the PR: https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server/pull/1402#issuecomment-2071005717

@Sephster 6 tests are failing on Laravel Passport rn, I added a comment on the PR: https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server/pull/1402#issuecomment-2071030766 I hope this is the last one.

@shaedrich we can't add SQLite features without fixing the migration commands' orders.

@shaedrich It's fine ;)