Gunnlaugur Thor Briem

Results 41 issues of Gunnlaugur Thor Briem

### What is the improvement or update you wish to see? Next.js v12.3.2 exists on Npmjs (so `npm i 'next

template: documentation

Þegar músin vokir yfir stafaflísunum neðst til hægri stendur í hjálpartexta „Flísar sem eftir eru í pokanum“. En flísarnar sem þegar eru komnar á rekka andstæðingsins eru þarna á meðal,...

# Bug Report ### 🔎 Search Terms emitDeclarationOnly allowJs "missing types" ".d.ts file" "declaration file" ### 🕗 Version & Regression Information #### When did you start seeing this bug occur?...

Has Repro

### Search Terms line numbers Note that there is, closed almost two years ago, long before Node v20 came out. I opened a new issue because (a) root causes...

What --- Fix the bug that the expression `42-51` fails to parse, because the tokenizer greedily treats `-51` as being a number token. Closes #133 How --- Move the lexer...

This existing test passes just fine: ```ts checkTreeExpr(['42+51', '42 + 51'], { type: 'binary', op: '+', left: { type: 'integer', value: 42, }, right: { type: 'integer', value: 51, }...

Having opted in with an `.opt-in` file, I should then still be able to opt out _for individual commands_ with an `OPT_OUT=pre-commit` environment variable. Right now the `OPT_OUT` environment variable...

For apps that have some pre-existing custom code around user creation.