Anton Grübel

Results 190 comments of Anton Grübel

Similar to `Frequency` also `GpuInfo` inherits from `Metric`, so the `attach` method should have the same signature Should be also type ignored in issue #1406 till it is fixed.

Yeah, that sounds good. Would it be a separate decorator or change the actual `@mock_events` decorator to be able to handle a parameter? Or do you have something completely different...

hey @pgiovio-pomelo thanks for reaching out. This is correct, currently `checkov` doesn't support `dynamic` blocks.

@tsmithv11 is the placement fine for you?

hey @citrix-eg thanks for reaching out. Is the KMS key created during the same plan creation or was it created in previous one? Since Terraform marks them as `known after...

hey @duncan485 thanks for reaching out. Definitely an interesting you found here 😄 my guess is it comes from the `kustomize` framework. Can you try to run `checkov` while skipping...

hey @duncan485 no problem 😄 yeah that sounds great, because we don't care about the server at all 😄 are you interested in contributing the needed change?

hey @Poweranimal thanks for reaching out. Can you rerun the checkov command you used, but adjusting the log level and share what you get there. ```shell LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG checkov -d xyz...

From the logs I can only see that `0000-prometheuscustomresourcedefinitions-chart-c8e9cde4.k8s.yaml` can't be read correctly. Can you share the first file, which is not scanned anymore? This one right `0012-consul-chart-c8e8de17.k8s.yaml`?

feel free to reach out again, if you have more info regarding this issue or other problems.