Anton Grübel

Results 190 comments of Anton Grübel

I took a look and there are 2 issues, one on your side and one in our code. lets start with yours your usage of `lookup(...)` is deprecated since Terraform...

hey @gyuvaraj10 thanks for reaching out. Do you mean YAML policies or Python based? the latter one should work, but the former is currently not supported.

it is on our roadmap, but no ETA at the moment. Therefore it won't come anytime soon.

@mikeurbanski1 sounds good, let's keep it to ours first. There is one, which could be interesting it is related to proxies and good to know, if it set otherwise you...

hey @arkaprava-jana thanks for reaching out. We currently don't supported this, same goes for `for_each`. We plan on tackling it, but not this year. The `"known after apply"` is a...

@reemodo just testing

Added in #4397

hey @vvatlin thanks fro reaching out. Nice catch, it looks like we don't have `aws_spot_fleet_request` in the list of possible security group connections. Are you interested in contributing the addition?...

hey @msikora-rtb thanks for reaching out. This is correct. We currently don't check the `prior_state` part of the Terraform plan file, that's why you don't see that finding, if a...

hey @brettcurtis thanks for reaching out. Yeah, this looks like a false positive on our side. Are you interested in contributing the needed change?