Uwe - ObjectBox

Results 429 comments of Uwe - ObjectBox

You should probably read https://developer.android.com/guide/components/activities/process-lifecycle As for EventBus: if your app process gets killed, all sticky events are lost. They are not stored in e.g. the saved state of an...

We also use Butterknife and EventBus in a project together, what exactly is not working? -Uwe

The issue is: `Subscriber class notification.NotificationDetailFragment and its super classes have no public methods with the @Subscribe annotation` http://greenrobot.org/eventbus/documentation/how-to-get-started/#Step_2_Prepare_subscribers -Uwe

Maybe your event is fired before your activity/fragment is started or after it is stopped? -Uwe

Not sure what you mean, please give an example. Anyhow: - define different event classes - add fields to your event classes -Uwe

Did you annotate at least one method with `@Subscribe` in that class? Check out how to use EventBus: https://github.com/greenrobot/EventBus#eventbus-in-3-steps -ut

I don't see a benefit here. What justifies the work of migrating all that code to javapoet? -ut

Try the new MAIN_ORDERED [thread mode](http://greenrobot.org/eventbus/documentation/delivery-threads-threadmode/), which always posts events to a main thread handler. -ut

Thanks, I also saw this. Maybe this is worth looking into. TLDR: There is a new `Message#setAsynchronous()` method in API 22 which allows to bypass the VSYNC lock (16ms) when...

@aneemtalukder You still have to make sure to have at least one method annotated with `@Subscribe` before calling `.register()` or EventBus will throw an exception. -ut