Uwe - ObjectBox

Results 429 comments of Uwe - ObjectBox

Thanks. Did you read through https://greenrobot.org/eventbus/documentation/priorities-and-event-cancellation/?

No update. But as a general hint, you should not expect such fundamental (read potentially breaking) changes making it into the library.

Well, is the activity maybe not subscribed at all times events are posted? Can't really help with an example so we can reproduce the issue.

Please share an example that we can use to reproduce this issue.

Maven is not officially supported (only Gradle is), but it should work similar to the following configuration. You should be able to replace with EventBus annotation processor and its option...

Have a look at the source code what might be the issue. You might also provide an example project reproducing this.

This is likely due to using `threadMode = ThreadMode.MAIN`. Either drop that, or alternatively synchronously check for the sticky event, like `EventBus.getDefault().getStickyEvent(OperateEvent::class.java)`. https://greenrobot.org/eventbus/documentation/configuration/sticky-events/

Check that you do not have multiple versions of EventBus added to your project. The `priority` property of `@Subscribe` was added with EventBus `3.0.0`, make sure all of your code...

Sorry, I'm not familiar with Spring cache. Possibly try to ask this on Stack Overflow? -Uwe

Try using a subscriber index. https://greenrobot.org/eventbus/documentation/subscriber-index/