Uwe - ObjectBox

Results 429 comments of Uwe - ObjectBox

I guess you try writing your own `LifecycleObserver`. https://developer.android.com/topic/libraries/architecture/lifecycle#lc https://github.com/greenrobot/EventBus/blob/6348f40f9901f813451791f9d11181be6eb49a32/EventBus/src/org/greenrobot/eventbus/EventBusLifecycleObserver.java#L9-L29

Do you minify (use ProGuard) on the library project? Maybe add a rule to keep the `@Subscribe` annotation name, like `-keep @interface org.greenrobot.eventbus.Subscribe`. Related to #614.

Generally, you only have to unregister if a class can/should die and be garbage collected (EventBus continues to hold a reference otherwise). Or of course if it wants to no...

Sorry, none that I am aware of. I guess you typically register for the lifetime of the application. Or you have to explicitly un-register once you are done with an...

Only annotate the method of the child with `@Subscribe`. In this case `EventBusActivity`. -Uwe

Please do not use `ErrorDialogManager` or related classes, this code is no longer maintained. We should probably remove it. Preferably write your own error handling.

What do you mean by "not working"? If you are using a subscriber index, make sure to use `kapt` instead of `annotationProcessor`. http://greenrobot.org/eventbus/documentation/subscriber-index/

This error indicates that the code of the `@Subscribe` method in PresenterImpl produces a `java.lang.NullPointerException`. Anyhow, I recommend against using `Object event` and instead adding an event method for each...

@sripati Without a more complete example I guess we just don't know what you are trying to do. -Uwe

@ggyg123 Do you have the same issue as @sripati? Could you please share a minimal code example and what the issue is?