Uwe - ObjectBox

Results 429 comments of Uwe - ObjectBox

This is exactly the issue described in #1002. Make sure to use the latest greenDAO release.

How does the affected entity class look like? Does it already have a getId() method? -Uwe

Can you please test this with the latest version `3.3.0`? We also need more error output to narrow down the issue.

As far as I know Kotlin is not supported. I assume your entity classes are written in Java? -ut

@Try4W Alright: the plugin **only supports entities written in Java**. So I suppose converting your entities to Java classes should make the plugin and generator work. -ut

@lishoulin greenDAO for now only supports entities written in Java. See @modislaszlox2 [workaround](https://github.com/greenrobot/greenDAO/issues/395#issuecomment-263525589) to use it in a Kotlin project. -ut

Note: with your **entity classes written in Java**, to use the generated greenDAO files in your Kotlin classes you currently may have to manually **add the generated source folder for...

There likely will be no support for entities written in Kotlin. -- [Check out ObjectBox](https://objectbox.io), our new fast, easy to use database!

Are you using Android Studio to build locally? Or actually the same `./gradlew build` command? I guess there must be some difference regarding dependency configurations.

I guess just use a query without conditions? https://greenrobot.org/greendao/documentation/queries/ You can also custom SQL to build a query. https://greenrobot.org/greendao/documentation/queries/#Raw_queries