Michael Goderbauer

Results 295 comments of Michael Goderbauer

Spoke to @cbracken and he says this is still on his radar.

cc @natebosch I believe you recently moved around some of these test imports. Any advice for our users here?

Nice! Should this issue be closed then? Or is there more to do?

(triage) I spoke to @eliasyishak last week and he said he still plans to get back to this at some point.

From triage: @timcreatedit looks like this is failing some checks. Could you take a look? It also appears to be missing a test. Could you please add one? Thank you!

Looks like there are still some failures. Some of them look related to this change, e.g. https://logs.chromium.org/logs/flutter/buildbucket/cr-buildbucket/8752209309943481745/+/u/run_test.dart_for_framework_tests_shard_and_subshard_widgets/stdout

Can you provide a printout of the semantics tree for the case that doesn't work? See https://main-api.flutter.dev/flutter/rendering/debugDumpSemanticsTree.html

This would be sort of similar to the `avoid_unnecessary_containers`. I wouldn't be opposed to this lint existing, but I also wonder how much value it would bring. Would be interesting...

PR https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/131183 was written to solve this issue but unfortunately it was not completed so the PR has been closed. If anyone would like to start from that PR and...

(triage) I spoke to @bkonyi and he says this is still on his radar ... eventually.