Michael Goderbauer

Results 296 comments of Michael Goderbauer

> Is it possibly caused by the first frame being too late? @dkwingsmt Could we add some logs to the test to verify this hypothesis?

Can you print out what `_debugInitializedType` is initialized to? That may give us a clue.

Actually, this test looks overwhelmingly green: https://flutter-dashboard.appspot.com/#/build?taskFilter=flavors_test_win&authorFilter&messageFilter&hashFilter&showMac=true&showWindows=true&showiOS=true&showLinux=true&showAndroid=true&showStaging=false&repo=flutter&branch=master There don't appear to be any flakes in the last few weeks. I think we should just remove the flakiness label from it...

> Would it help if we made subclasses of createRenderObject only return RenderObject rather than by typed to the returned class? I don't think it has to be typed right?...

(from triage): Looks like some tests are failing on this, could you take a look and fix those up?

The failure appears pretty clearly in the log [1]: ``` 03:48 +2804 ~52: /tmp/flutter sdk/packages/flutter/test/widgets/scroll_view_test.dart: ListView.separated supports null items in itemBuilder ══╡ EXCEPTION CAUGHT BY FLUTTER TEST FRAMEWORK ╞════════════════════════════════════════════════════ The...

Do the native platforms maybe tell us which events belong to the same batch? I seem to remember something like this at least on Android. If we pipe that information...

> Do you have time for a review this week? I have this in my review queue.

Actually, before reviewing this one, lets make sure that https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/108340 is good to go first since this change depends on that one.