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Real-time Radar SLAM: ORORA + ScanContext


Radar SLAM: yeti radar odometry + ScanContext-based Loop Closing

What is Navtech-Radar-SLAM?

  • In this repository, a (minimal) SLAM problem is defeind as SLAM = Odometry + Loop closing, and the optimized states are only robot poses along a trajectory.
  • Based on the above view, this repository aims to integrate current available radar odometry, radar place recognition, and pose-graph optimization.
    1. Radar odometry: Yeti open source that implemented cen2018 and cen2019 methods with considering motion distortation for RANSAC.
      • The odometry modules consumes file-based input (not ROS subscription) in this example. See odometry/yeti_radar_odometry/src/odometry.cpp for the details.
      • However, to seamlessly connect the motion estimation result with the later place recognition module, we added ROS publishing lines to the original odometry.cpp code. Also, see odometry/yeti_radar_odometry/src/odometry.cpp for the details.
    2. Radar place recognition: Scan Context open source
      • In MulRan dataset paper, the radar scan context is also proposed, but in this repository we use a Cartesian 2D feature point cloud (extracted via cen2019 method) as an input for the original Scan Context (IROS2018) method and it works.
      • The Scan Context-based loop detection is included in the file pgo/SC-A-LOAM/laserPosegraphOptimization.cpp.
    3. Pose-graph optimization
      • iSAM2 in GTSAM is used. See pgo/SC-A-LOAM/laserPosegraphOptimization.cpp for the details (ps. the implementation is eqaul to SC-A-LOAM and it means laserPosegraphOptimization.cpp node is generic!)

How to use?


  • Yeti: OpenCV and SC-PGO: GTSAM


First, clone and build.

$ mkdir -p ~/catkin_radarslam/src && cd ~/catkin_radarslam/src
$ git clone && cd ..
$ catkin_make 


Then, enjoy!

$ source devel/setup.bash
$ roslaunch src/navtech-radar-slam/launch/navtech_radar_slam_mulran.launch


  • The examples are from MulRan dataset, which is suitable to evaluate the radar odometry or SLAM algorithm in complex urban sites.
    • The MulRan dataset provides the oxford-radar-robotcar-radar data format (i.e., meta data such as ray-wise timestamps are imbedded in an radar image, see details here)

1. KAIST 03 of MulRan dataset

2. Riverside 03 of MulRan dataset

Related papers

If you cite this repository, please consider below papers.

  • Yeti open source for radar odometry:
        author = {Keenan Burnett, Angela P. Schoellig, Timothy D. Barfoot},
        journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},
        title={Do We Need to Compensate for Motion Distortion and Doppler Effects in Spinning Radar Navigation?},
  • Scan Context open source for place recognition:
    @INPROCEEDINGS { gkim-2018-iros,
        author = {Kim, Giseop and Kim, Ayoung},
        title = { Scan Context: Egocentric Spatial Descriptor for Place Recognition within {3D} Point Cloud Map },
        booktitle = { Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems },
        year = { 2018 },
        month = { Oct. },
        address = { Madrid }
  • MulRan dataset:
    @INPROCEEDINGS{ gskim-2020-mulran, 
        TITLE={MulRan: Multimodal Range Dataset for Urban Place Recognition}, 
        AUTHOR={Giseop Kim and Yeong Sang Park and Younghun Cho and Jinyong Jeong and Ayoung Kim}, 
        BOOKTITLE = { Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) },
        YEAR = { 2020 },
        MONTH = { May },
        ADDRESS = { Paris }


  • About utilities
    • support ROS-based input (topic subscription)
    • support a resulting map save functions.
  • About performances
    • support reverse loop closing.
    • enhance RS (radius-search) loop closings.