Daniele Rondina
Daniele Rondina
`cinder` package name is used by Openstack Cinder module. Can you refactor package name to mkdocs-cinder or other name ? So, users could be have at same time both packages....
Some statistics enhancements for measure performance. On local machine with async server reach 600p/s requests without lost packets. Can you bump a new release ? Thanks in advance
It adds `--prefix-path` option on `reg server` command.
For trace installed/available packages we need a system from client side. The idea is to use a NoSQL/K-V database. Here, the possibilities are: * [x] BoltDB (Few maintained) * [...
Hereinafter, the list of features to implement: * [x] Local repositories * [x] HTTP/HTTPs repositories * [ ] Integrate support of aggregate download per repository * [x] Integrate support of...
It could be helpful to have a command for print dependencies tree for a specific package.
If for some reason a package changes category or name luet must support this in a transparent way to the user.
Currently ```luet upgrade``` upgrades a system to the latest available packages, not taking care of downgrades of any sort. E.g. if a package is downgraded from a repository, the client...
We need a way to clean up the directories of the removed repositories from cache.
Currently, `Best()` method uses directly the semver API and we need to duplicate the workaround for build version with the underscore or invalid chars. The idea is to separate the...