Goran Devic

Results 11 comments of Goran Devic

I just run the same file through virus total https://www.virustotal.com/gui/home/upload It did not detect any threat. Norton might just have given a false positive; it is highly unlikely that someone...

Hey Steve, sorry to hear you had trouble compiling it. Can you tell me what version of Qt did you install? Also, what is the Linux distro?

I know this is painful, but I believe you have to use Qt 5.15.0, other versions may not work. I am puzzled with "SkipEmptyParts" which has been added in Qt...

I am using GitHub in a pretty basic way - using GitForce to push/pull files. I guess there can be much more complexity to it. Can you walk me through...

Oh, I see! That's what we do at work with Android and Gerrit - you never push your main, but only your temp working branch, and then you pull into...

Reference: https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Tools-Submodules

Curious which mono version Ubuntu 20.04 is using. I will try it this weekend.

I installed a fresh Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and then the minimum necessary prerequisites (git, meld, mono-complete). Run the released Gitforce.exe (downloaded from SourceForge) with no problems (image attached). Then I...

There is an option to diff two changes of each file that was changed: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/304275/187562509-f19503ea-f0d1-4cc5-93bd-16aeedc82434.png)

Thanks, can you push a change?