Goran Devic
Goran Devic
Hi, I added Verilog language. How can I get a push access right? Thank you, Goran baltazarstudios.com
Github moved to use the word "main" instead of "master" https://stevenmortimer.com/5-steps-to-change-github-default-branch-from-master-to-main/ There are a few hard-coded "master" strings in GitForce; make it a more flexible, per repro, option (don't assume...
Most current issues on Linux are caused by poor Mono implementation. Also, it appears that the newer Mono (ex. 6.8.x) found on Ubuntu 20.04 introduced a host of new issues...
On Linux 14.04 with mono 3.2.8, GitForce.exe exits with the error below. This is a known mono issue. It is fixed in the newer version of mono and Linux distros...
Ideas: use a tree-view on a project list pane to show related subprojects